Science, Right On! 是21世紀的新興學習方法,它使用高度互動的科學內容和豐富的視覺效果來吸引學生。它在支援基於探究的方式,讓學生主動參與學習過程,並通過動畫、模擬和遊戲等互動元素激發思考。 科學概念與現實生活場景高度的相關,激發學生在課堂之外發現新想法的興趣。鼓勵學生探索概念並通過活動提高思維能力時成為獨立的學習者。 Science, Right On! 還支持多種教學方法,包括翻轉課堂課程和電子學習。
Science Matters is a holistic package carefully designed for Lower Secondary Express/Normal (Academic) students. lts content is aligned to the latest Ministry of Education syllabus and is founded upon sound pedagogy that encourages students to think critically about the world around them. With this book, students learn through exploration and discovery, as well as develop competencies that prepare them for the 21st Century.
1. Cultivate students’ perception of Science as a collective effort and a way of thinking rather than just a body of facts. 2. Engage the students in Science-related issues that concern their lives, the society and the environment. 3. Help students develop the domains that are integral to the conduct of Science inquiry.