高中英語聽力與口說 Secondary English Oral Buddy +TOEIC 英語聽力與閱讀測試 教材介紹 你將經歷了三個階段來練習英語口説和閱讀。You will go through three stages to practice oral and reading.Listen 聆聽在課程階段,您將聽一段簡單的閱讀文章。During the lesson stage you will listen to a simple reading of the passage.Learn 學習在學習階段,您將練習逐段閱讀文章。During the Learn stage, you will practice reading the passage paragraph by paragraph.Read 朗讀在閱讀階段,您將自己閱讀整篇文章。During the read stage you will read the entire passage on your own. 軟體畫面 (Level 1) English Oral Buddy Secondary 大聲朗讀 情境描述 英語對答