Marshall Cavendish Education
Video Introducting for MCE

MCE 與各國教育部、政策制定者、
超過 85 個國家的教育工作者和家長,
Pre-K 到 12 的 14 種語言的教育解決方案。

(University of Cambridge, UK)
We have gained recognition globally with consistent top performance in international studies such as TIMSS, PIRLS, PISA and the Global Competitiveness Report. We are the only Asian publisher that has been an endorsement partner of Cambridge Assessment International Education since 2019.
2019s 劍橋評估國際教育

Marshall Cavendish Education 是唯一一家成為 Cambridge Assessment International Education (英國劍橋大學教育評估委員會) 合作夥伴的亞洲公司。
2009s 國際計劃學生評估

我們 15 歲的學生經常在國際學生學習計畫 (PISA) 評估中享有榮譽 – 2009, 2012, 2016。
2001s 國際閱讀的進展識字研究

新加坡在 PIRLS 排名中的排名顯著提升,從第 15 位開始 2001 年至 2006 年第 4 名。
新加坡在教育系統中也排名第 2,只用英語參加考試– 2001, 2006。
1995s 國際數學趨勢與科學研究

自 1995 年以來,新加坡一直被列為第一 TIMSS 的表現最好的國家– 1995, 1999, 2003, 2007, 2011。

Nurturing The Joy Learning
MCE 是全球e-Learning數位教育最大的出版公司,致力於培養學習的樂趣,為學生的未來做最好的準備。 我們相信最好的教育方法是簡化學習並傾聽學校、老師、學生和家長們的需求。
Marshall Cavendish Education (MCE) is a global education solutions provider dedicated to nurturing the joy of learning and preparing students for the future. We believe the best way to do so is by simplifying learning and listening to the needs of schools, teachers, students, and parents.
我們透過世界級的教育教材內容合成紙本教材(Textbook)和數位教材資源(Digital Resources)
We make our world-class ducational content more accessible through a seamless experience that integrates both print and digital resources.

60 多年來,MCE一直在激發好奇心、塑造思想並為世界各地的學習者搭建一個學術卓越的平台。 在一系列學科和課程中,我們的標誌是我們全面且引人入勝的學習 教材,這些教材豐富了超過 85 個國家/地區的 14 種語言的學生。
For over 60 years, we have been sparking curiosity, shaping minds and building a platform of academic excellence for learners around the world. Across a spectrum of subjects and curriculums, our hallmark is our comprehensive and engaging study material that has enriched students in 14 languages , in more than 85 countries.

Turning education into a voyage of discovery Education doesn’t have to be boring. From early childhood through primary and secondary, our research-based educational content has been crafted by education experts to turn the school years into an engaging adventure for every student’s mind.